Saturday, May 31, 2014

How much grossness can I include in a post?

That isn't really a challenge. It was a question of appropriateness or etiquette. As far as ability - the answer is lots and lots. Most of the day was spent cleaning out the kitchen area of the crew cabin. Boy, I wish we'd noticed that that big pot wasn't empty when we left. It's sitting out in the tundra now. Euwww.

And it turns out that little critters were scampering over, in, and through most of the cooking equipment - I didn't know stainless steel could hold a urine smell. Much washing and some indulgence of the normally dormant compulsive side of my nature and the kitchen area is clean and organized. Of course, I didn't think of taking a photo of that (I was too busy with photos of the gross stuff) and there's a 30 mph wind between me and that kitchen... so it will wait till tomorrow's post.

Sarah reminded us that we meant to move the food shelves into one of the back rooms to make a little more room in the common area so Jeff and Roger did that today, producing an explanation for the slant to the floor - the weight of those shelves laden with canned goods has pulled the floor away from the wall... by about 5".
Can you see the yellow arrows? One pointing up to the stud and the other pointing down to the floor? They used to meet. On the other side of that stud is some plywood that forms a sort of skirt under the floor of the cabin, reducing wind flow. Turns out that it also keeps out the light. This explains how the fox got in over the winter. At least I think it was a fox. Or a mutated lemming.

By the end of the day Jeff, Roger, and I put away the food from two of the totes that Jeff, Roger, and David hauled up the cliff box by box.
And we have three more totes to empty. Where will we put it all?

While we were at the cabin cleaning and organizing (and Jeff and Roger took the first steps toward resurrecting the wash down system), David was in town picking up Harry from the airport (hi, Harry!) and... finding the Propane Truck, which Eddie tells me has been converted back to gas. Yay!! It will be so so so much easier to get it fueled up! And for the second day, Carbon has been helping our friend Phil get his container van ready to live in. While he was there, he got a job as a deckhand for the season! His captain is a new captain but has eight years experience here in Bristol Bay and will be in a radio group with his old captain. It sounds like a good place for Carbon and I am so pleased he found work so quickly!

Weather continues to be rainy and cold. Tomorrow I get to meet Trevor at the airport (and he'll be bringing another 50# of frozen food for us)!

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