Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4: Traditional Peak of the Run

But I'm thinking of it more as a mid point. However, fishing did pick up for us today. We picked furiously to clear the flood fish in time for the ebb. It was a short tide so there wasn't much time to do it. In those ... 5 hours of fishing, we ended up with about 12,000 lbs.

I couldn't remember much more about this day by the next day (actually, the whole concept of "day" has become sort of fuzzy). But I did finally remember that Yin made us some panna cotta, her favorite dessert that I made during her year in the US. It calls for vanilla beans, so I asked Evan to give up his tide off to take her to town on the four-wheeler in search of some. Kind gentleman that he is, he agreed even before I offered to trade him the flood of his tide off for the flood of the night tide (which was to be my tide off).

Her last dinner with us was salmon chowder with panna cotta for dessert (that she made). She found (and no doubt cleaned) a bunch of cups to hold the panna cotta. I made a quick strawberry sauce from frozen strawberries I'd gotten from town in a previous trip. The warm strawberry sauce with the panna cotta was lovely. The chowder was delicious.

While we were fishing, she was doing more than cooking. I was very happy about how active she was with her camera. When I see someone else's photos of a place I love so much, it's like having a whole different kind of conversation about it. These photos tell me how other people see this place. She took this shot of my cabin at the end of my boardwalk. Seeing it makes me so happy. Daisies and irises are my favorite flowers. Daisies might have the edge because of their stubborn and cheerful heartiness.

Most of us slept through fireworks.

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