Friday, June 7, 2013

June 6: Fresh coat of paint

It was a busy morning. For some reason, the floor under my bunk is always wet. Which means that the dog beds are wet and if I don't dry them, they'll mold. Bleah. It was a beautiful, sunny day today - a perfect day for drying dog beds outside.

I returned to the cabin and my computer to make progress on a Seattle project. I'm at the part of the project where I keep finding excuses to jump up and do something else; anything else. Roy sent me a text, asking if I was going to make use of this beautiful day. Good idea. I've been meaning to paint the cabin for about 10 years now - why not today?

So the dogs and I walked the mile to the truck, went through the circus of getting them into the bed of the truck and went to town to get paint. I'm not wild about going to town because I so prefer the quiet of the beach. But it was required if the cabin was to be painted. The hardware guys ran into some technical difficulties while mixing the paint - I asked for barn red and they ran out of some key ingredient and made do with what they had. While waiting for the paint and doing my other in-town errands I came upon this mural that I haven't noticed before. Affixed to a building between Hadfield's Bar and the Borough Building. Here is my newly painted cabin: a custom barn red, Alaska style. It took 2 gallons of primer and 2 gallons of color. Did I mention that I've been meaning to paint it for 10 years? And by then it was probably 5 years overdue. I think it was after 11:30 when the sun went down today and even now, at 12:30, the sky is still light. So thanks to many hours of sunlight and the warm weather, I was able to get on one coat of primer and two coats of color, finishing up just before the sun went down with just enough light to take a picture. Two pictures.

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